Frozen Chosen

Geez, but it's been cold here lately! (I know, I'm resorting to talking about the weather, but it's a noteworthy topic...). Winter has well and truly HIT. I'm pretty sure it's snowed near here.

Thank goodness for:

* Dogwarmer against the back each night (though it would be really nice if he moved over so I wasn't sleeping half-off the DOUBLE bed...! And no, he can't be shifted, at least not without a growl or two. He also creeps back to his original position if I turn over.)
* Milo for supper.
* Heaters to defrost feet and dry out uniforms (which were washed 2 days ago and are still very damp).
* Burn-your-throat fresh coffee.
* Layers of jerseys and jackets and shirts.
* Mashed potato and baked butternut, and hot tomato-ey pasta with pesto and loads of cheese.
* Self-saucing chocolate puddings, and hot-from-the-oven cookies and... (better watch that winter weight-gain).

However, it would be nice to have:

* Enough sunshine to actually dry the front lawn. It's been wet for months and is a total quagmire.
* A whole-house heater.
* A day with no rain so I can cut the lawn.
* Warm weather to walk outside with the dogs, like up the mountain or even just around the block! Starting to get cabin fever...
* A one-way ticket to a tropical island.

OK, I'm thankful that we don't get snowed in and have to break the ice from the bathwater in the mornings, but I'm a summer child and although I like winter for snuggling up and spending insane amounts of time vegging, I prefer the freckles on my face to meet up in a single tan and for my legs not to glow in the dark.

One day we'll see the sun again...