Writing Another Book

Earlier this year I wrote a book - well, more a manual than a book. It was for my Basic Web Design class, and a lot of hard work went into it. Unfortunately, as many manuals are, it was entirely under-appreciated by the class I taught.

Yet here I sit, considering writing another book - and this time not a manual. Rather, a story of my journey as it unfolds. A story of darkness and dust, light and inspiration, passion lost and foundations found. It's still in the thinking stages, but I can see it happening.

It's not a book for publishing, unless someone reads it and considers it worthy of such. It's a book I can read a few years down the road and remember where I've come from, and where I thought I was going.

I don't know if it will be a book with an ending. Journeys seldom have a destination, just pauses on the road or overnights at a friend's house. It may be a book that gets written for the rest of my life.

I'm no good at hand-written journalling. I like to blog, and I'm quick on the keyboard. I can picture this in chapters, not daily-entry pages. I can see an introduction and a cover.

I just can't see any of our local Christian stores stocking it... :) Way too out-of-the-regular-Christian-way for them!!!