How Shocking!

I'm shocking myself on everything I touch today! Usually it only happens when I'm shopping - somehow the trolley builds up static electricity, and unless I keep one hand on a bit of the metal (and not just the plastic handle) I get a bad jolt when I touch it by mistake. As my son and I walk the mall, if our hands touch as they swing we shock each other - he feels it more than I do, so I must be producing the greater charge.

But today I'm not even moving to create static - yet I still shock myself on my chair, the doorframe, the printer, you name it! Not that I've got anything like nylon or polyester or those unnatural (ugh!) fabrics on. Perhaps the aircon, blowing hot air my way is drying out my clothing and doing a mini-electric storm thing between molecules.

Or maybe this is just my day to spontaneously combust!