The Saga of the Teeth

So I'm back from the dentist, and there's good news and there's bad news.

The good news - I have excellent teeth! At least when it comes to the condition they're in... And my bottom-jaw ones are nice and straight and stable.

The bad news - well, where do I begin. Perhaps with a visit upstairs to the specialist for a second opinion appointment? And an all-round x-ray? And a cleaning at 8:30 tomorrow morning? And the likelihood that straightening my top teeth is going to take some doing? And that I may have to have MORE teeth removed to get them all lined up (whatever am I going to eat with?)?

Yup, all of the above. Add in the potential cost, and this is starting to look like something I could do without. I have this urge to say "aah, just forget it" and live with my teeth as-is (or "are"). It would be cheaper and easier and take a lot less driving down to town and seeing folk who want to poke around my gums and whitey-biteys.

But I know that it's going to get worse if I leave it. Every now and then I can feel the teeth migrating again, and it's not pleasant. Biting an apple already leaves a funny pattern - a row of nice bites, and one at a funny angle as that rogue tooth makes its mark. (To illustrate the point, I have kindly taken a pic of what biting into something looks like, which I'll bet you didn't really need to see anyway, but that's what happens when you let me loose with a digital camera.)

I've come back to work laden with little appointment cards. The medical aid is going to get a wake-up call when I submit my claims... But sorted, it seems we'll be. Eventually. As in 2 years from here, minimum. Darn.