Ups and Downs of Job Hunting

I caved and phoned the employment agency to find out what's happening re my job application.

It seems the guys that host the website for this company are now being sticky about someone other than themselves working on its design, and so there are negotiations going on to sort that out. If they won't give permission, obviously hiring a web designer is going to be pointless!

And then there's my competition - I'm still one of two in this area, but the company also advertised via a Cape Town agency. And apparently some big-shot web designer has applied, with qualifications a mile long and experience in areas I forgot to mention on my CV (like HTML skills - my first site I wrote completely in HTML using a text editor!).

My chances are looking slimmer and slimmer for this one. I can almost feel it slipping away...

I'll know a definite yes or no tomorrow sometime, so now I can get on with the day and stop sitting here waiting for the phone to ring.