Although my son is only 12, he became a parent over the weekend. No, don't panic! It's just an e-pet that he received free with a pizza we bought. Here's the offspring:

He didn't want to take it to school, so I'm required to bring it to work, and feed it, scoop poop, check on whether it wants to play (and whether it still loves me), if it needs shelter etc. We don't want the poor thing to perish while we're not home! :) So when it beeps, I attend.
My son's getting a taste of parenting! :)
And on that subject, we FINALLY went to church last night. 15 minutes before it started my son decided we needed to go, so we rushed into appropriate attire, dashed off in the car, and got there when the singing was already underway.
We picked an interesting night to go... instead of a sermon, we all watched a DVD called "Sex has a price tag" by Pam Stenzel. Hard-hitting, extremely educational (I learnt a LOT that was never told me, and my son learnt even more...) and well presented. It gave us both a lot of food for thought, and I think is one of the best sex-education resources I've seen in a long time. So much so, that I'm going to see if my son's school will get their hands on it and show it to the upper grades. ASAP. It's stuff that's never mentioned in sex-ed, stuff that no-one seems to talk about, and yes - it's God-based too. A message of both warning and redemption. Excellent stuff. (I've emailed his school to request that they get a copy to share with the grade 6's and 7's (at least).)
We ran into another single mom and her daughter (same age as my son), so I guess there was a whole lot of educating going on last night! :)
A while back I blogged about the difficulty of sharing the damage that not waiting for sex in the context of marriage can do. I think this has opened up a chance to seriously discuss these issues with my son, as well as others we never thought of. I'm really glad we went to church last night!
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