Yesterday was the last day of a Natural & Organic product show at the CTICC (Cape Town International Conference Centre). Being on the way to that kind of business, I had to go see what was what. To make a few connections, find out where the market is glutted (organic rooibos tea!) and where there were gaps my products might fill.
We got there just after the doors opened, and immediately I set my son to pick up brochures and business cards from every single stall we passed. I have yet to look at them properly, but I have a whole bag of the things. I at first tried to stuff them all in my handbag, but when my shoulder started to cave in, I had to make another plan! :) All the free samples didn't help, either... but I'm not complaining. We're still testing the stuff we got.

There were some interesting things on offer, including these ionizing lamps - made from salt from the Himalayas, and marvellous to look at. There were foodstuffs, vitamins, miracle products, gym and spa stalls, a large central stage where yoga and tai-chi were demonstrated (along with some rather noisy dancing at one time, but we were elsewhere and didn't see it), green smoothies (wheat grass!!!) and all things natural and/or organic. Including make-up and feminine products.
What I DIDN'T see were some of the things I plan on selling, and that made my heart glad! :)

They also had a movie available, Woody Harrelson's "
Go Further". It brought up some interesting topics regarding how we're treating our world. And although I'm by no means going to go "raw food" and start making avocado "chocolate" cakes or eating bowls of spirulina, there's more I could be doing to make this planet a better place to live - or to simply stop it from sliding down into chaos. They covered everything from clear-cutting, to what's in your milk, to you-name-it. My son actually sat through the entire thing, and it gave us much to discuss on the road home.
We succumbed and bought honeybush tea, bath salts and a crystal each (the latter from the "weirdo's" stall.. they had all sorts of interesting alternative therapies on offer), but managed to avoid spending too much cash on things other than lunch (at a fast-food place - terrible, after watching that darned movie!:) ).
Today I get to trawl through business cards, brochures and websites, having a good look at who does what and where I can find either competitors or allies in my foray into being my own boss. Turned out to be quite a profitable day, all round.
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