Driving home from a babyshower with my sis-in-law, we passed the house where two gigantic St Bernard dogs reside. My son and I have this habit of rolling down the car windows as we pass, and whistling to see if we can bring them running to the fence. Found myself doing it again - WITHOUT my son in the car, and my sis-in-law looked at me as if I were nuts! Perhaps I am.. :)
And then there's the "spinosaurus ringtone" issue. If you've watched Jurassic Park III, you'll remember the big old Spinosaurus swallows one guy and his satellite phone whole! And the phone keeps on ringing inside the beast, warning whenever he's lurking in the forest or creeping up on you. Needless to say, every time my son and I hear someone's phone ring with that particular tune, we start laughing and looking around for the spinosaurus-person!
And that's not all. We laugh at our dog rolling on his back, imagining the entire house the other-way-up, and that he's stuck to the ceiling with velcro, struggling to get loose!
And we laugh at funny-looking eggs. We draw faces on them and take photos...

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