Technology on the homefront

I'll be spending a part of today running between office and home. Not for exercise purposes, but because a couple of technicians need access to my place and I'm in charge of dog control! :)

They started yesterday afternoon with testing an internet-access option via the phone lines, taking apart the little device my phone plugs into, switching things on lines, fiddling with a little metal box and all that stuff - none of which I really understood. But there's no mistaking the outcome - internet at home at last! (update: they've been an gone, but we're still missing a network card to connect to anything)

By the end of today I should be up and running, although my home computer is a total relic with hardly any hard-drive space to speak of, and running WindowsME (very unstable). That is due to change soon too, as we upgrade the machine to something lean and mean.

I suspect that blogging on the weekend is going to be an option now, but am going to try keep it to a minimum - both you and I need that break, I think.

I will also have network access to my work computer, so that when I'm officially on holiday I can still keep a finger on the stuff I'd have to run down the hill to check on - emails, requests for info and help etc. And as webmaster, quick updates will not only be possible, but we're more likely to have a much better site a whole lot sooner.

In addition, of course, the son is very glad that he'll be able to (re)discover the internet or GoogleEarth everything without having to traipse down to my office. And I will be able to stick him on the computer when I need time-out! :)

"The world is changing. I feel it in the air, I see it in the water", and it's about to happen at home.