With the death of mass-marketing effectiveness, your advertising better rock too. Experiential, sample-bits, give them a taste of what it is you have that rocks. Make them realize they Simply Have To Have It. And that their friends would uncool unless they got it too. Let your Idea That Rocks do the hard work of marketing for you.
And then you gotta keep on rocking. No good to have a great idea, excellent word-of-mouth marketing, only to fall flat on your face when follow-up service and products are mediocre.
I've been wondering what it is that I know, what it is that I want to give the world, that Rocks. I've spent a good deal of time pondering exactly that. Sure, I have some good products, some good ideas, but they may not necessarily Rock.
So what DOES Rock? Still thinking about that one. But when I've got it, you'll know about it - if not from me, than from someone who tells you it Rocks.
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