Cool and Green Things

I've been going "green" lately on the net. It all started when I got thinking about my woodworking daydreams, and wanted to garner a bit of inspiration. And boy, did I find it - along with a whole pile of really, really cool stuff.

So here are a few links (open in new windows) for you:

Greenlight Magazine - an online "print" magazine, with some excellent articles and this month's gift ideas.

Wood for Good - amazing ways to use this incredible natural substance in your house, home and decor.

KnockKnock - online shopping for gifts and goodies with a tongue-in-cheeck twist.

VivaTerra - "Eco Living with Style", including incredible root-ball carved bowls and baskets (see pic at right).

ReadyMade Magazine - can't subscribe unfortunately, but their website has many cool things to make yourself.

TrendDir - home decor trends online mag. For the lover of wow-factor in all of us.

0Footprint(zerofootprint) - sustainable commerce ideas, guide and magazine.

Modular Dwellings - small space, big style. Buy a plan and build it with easily-obtained materials, if you so desire!

Treehugger - my favourite stop for all things green, sustainable and nifty. And because it's basically a blog, I've got it blogrolled too.

Sublime - ethical lifestyle magazine. Some things online, others only available in print. With sound-enhanced website! :)

That should keep you clicking for a while - enjoy!