The Five-Day Weekend

We're lucky this week. We have had a mere 3 days of work, and then the weekend strikes again.

It's Freedom Day tomorrow, and with Friday already a short day here, the offices will be closed. Monday is another holiday - and I'm taking this afternoon off, just to top it all.

But it won't be all sloth and slumber - though a good deal of that may occur.

This afternoon I'm sorting out the last of the garage, hauling my power tools up from the house, taking some wood odds & ends there too - and setting up shop. Not so it can gather dust, but so that this weekend I can start to get my hands dirty and see what is createable.

I can't wait. It's going to be immense fun. And, with payday having recently struck (car in for attention, so not a cent out of the bank yet), I can afford to get the circular saw I need, and the bits of wood that will go into my first few projects. Unfortunately, the lady who was going to supply both equipment and wood has been asked to hold off for a while until the kids can sort out what they want - but that's OK. I have enough to keep me busy in the meantime.

The one thing I DON'T have and will need to make/buy is a work table. I could steal the nice big one I bought to store my son's toys - but would have to give him something else to store them in first, which I don't have. I may do some trawling through junk heaps to find one - we'll see.

But this is step one. New space, place to play, and a whole very long weekend to do it in. Awesome.

(photo: one of the blackwood stumps currently drying out in the garage)