I did not much of anything yesterday, other than getting in some quiet time to think, and then sitting talking "kak" online for the rest of the day (and doing a bit of writing). Very nice to have a nothing day, but sometimes it's not that good for you.
With all the inactivity - well, that saying about idle hands isn't far off. Sometimes it can lead to too much introspection and critical thought. By around 10 last night I'd hit a serious dip of feeling sad and lonely. Ridiculous - I'm not allowed to get lonely! I really had no reason to be anyway. There was still a dog at my feet, and with that one can never truly be alone - not even when one goes to the toilet...
So today I'm not sitting around. I'm going to get up and get busy. That Landy needs to come right with the battery issues, and needs a good drive. There's dishes (again) waiting to be done. Although a bit chilly, the sun's out. The garden needs wading through and weeding, although I did pull a few things out while in my slippers yesterday. Still gotta see the bank and the travel agent, and get to the post office. Much to do.
So it's up and at it this morning. Breakfast, bath, then on with the day. No more of this self-focused nonsense, just a good busy day.
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