Quoteable - Mixed Bag

"As I flubbed the grey scrollwork and remembered that scene I thought “Yes, but Andy Goldsworthy is a full-time artist. At least he has more time than I.” But that’s not true is it? We all have the same time – sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day. It just matters how we use it."
- Urban Abbess

"..their damned computerised check-in system at Cape Town International goes down more often than a starving nymphomaniac with an empty fridge."
- Kyknoord

"To this I question, "But it is exactly my travels that took my religion away! Not brought it to me! I've seen so many people, the world over, worship in so many ways, none less sacred than another. So how is it that this same route brought you to yours?" He shrugs with a smile that hints he knows more, "Each pilgrim has her own path." "
- Solbeam

"What use is evolution in a game if you can't evolve using sex?"
- My Son...