Boy to Man

I can't believe how my son has grown up in the past few months. His voice is deep, he's taller than me, his face has completely changed (and gotten the usual teen spots, which a dip in the sea somehow manages to clear up within hours). One of these days he'll have to start shaving.

And that's where we run into a bit of a roadblock. What do I know about shaving a face? Legs I can do, underarms etc - but a face?

This is the kind of thing that makes me think "Male Role Model". And not the kind that is a mere acquaintance, but one that can show him things, teach him about being a man, and how to shave! My brothers are good role models, but live far enough away that we don't see them often. Friends of the family are around too - but not close enough for confiding in and leaning on when it's needed.

So what to do? I dunno. Perhaps just play it by ear - the way I've done most of my parenting. I've ended up with a pretty unconventional relationship with the kid, more equals than up-there parent and down-there kid. I'm sure we can figure this one out!