Dinner for 11

Robert managed to sneak in a tag when I wasn't looking, wanting to know which 10 people I'd ask to dinner. Traditionally, the list seems to be "invitations to the rich and famous", but I'm not that into rich and famous. Instead, I'd like to invite people I could relate to, have fun with, enjoy a few hours of company and good food. Like friends and bloggers! :-) Except that there are so many of them it would be more like a crowd than just 10. I may have to have repeat dinners. I'd throw in a few famous folk to make things interesting - and just hope they'd have the decency to act like normal people (which, really, they are) around us minions.

So here's my list, narrowed down to the top-of-my-head few:

* Nelson Mandela - a bit of a cliche really, but the man fascinates me and I'd love to talk to him one-on-one for a bit.
* Chitty - always good to serve nuts with your meal...
* Meryl Streep - I've enjoyed the bits of her personality that show through ever since I saw "Out of Africa" (probably instilled my love for the long road too). She gets simply better with age. One of the few actresses I wouldn't mind meeting.
* Solbeam - her free spirit and amazing perspectives would add a unique aspect to the gathering. If I could get her to sit in one place long enough.. :-)
* Sean Connery - simply because he's the hottest old guy I know, and he'd be immense fun to chat to. In the moments when I wasn't ogling him out the corner of my eye, that is.
* Kyknoord - why have only one variety of nut at the meal?
* Redsaid - have met her only once before, but she's awesome and loads of fun.
* TR - far-away friend, would be cool to sit down and natter eyeball to eyeball - yet another nut to add to the mix.
* SingleMom - cos I think she could do with a good meal in good company after a few rough weeks.. :-)
* BD - yet another far-away friend that could do with some face-to-face chatting. And yup, another nut.

That's 10 - but I have so many others I'd love to invite! Can I start filling up a second table?

Further instructions on this tag were: “To add a twist to this and hopefully it gets kicked around the net a bit you must pick two fellow bloggers as waiters/waitresses and in so doing they become tagged and hopefully replicate a list of their own on their site.”

So - Waiter: Rodney Olsen
Waitress: Patchouli

Go forth and do Slow Food!