Today's the last day of school - and the last day of Primary School for the kid! I can't believe he's done with it.
I still remember the tiny thing he was when he hit grade 1, and how he pulled faces at the audience at that first awards ceremony (I regret eternally telling him he shouldn't have!). Now he's tall, gangly, teenage, and done with the "little school". This morning I saw him off from the front door for the last time - next year he'll have to leave a whole lot earlier to get to high school, which is still in the area, but a 5 minute walk instead of a 1 minute dash away.
Yes, high school - while I still have a discount available and live close by we're giving it a year's try to see how it goes. They don't offer part-time classes, so it will be full-time and regular. However - we're hoping to get some animation training with a local guy in over the holidays, which the kid will continue with after school hours at home.
This morning I'm attending a farewell tea for the parents and grade 7 class, then their final assembly - and thus it will end. Another chapter closed, an era gone.
And holidays! Is the year over already???
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