
Well, the kid is gone - off to an overnight camp with his grade, so I'm left more Single than Parent for a day and a half!

So what am I doing with my "freedom"? Well - taking a half-day at work, for one. It's beautiful weather outside, perfect to be out and about a bit. Some of it I'll see from beneath the Landy, once I've stocked up on an appropriate oil for the bits. Some of it I may see from the beach - considering a walk later this afternoon. Also taking a bit of me-time to do a few things, like shop for some new work clothes that actually fit.

And this evening.. well, I've left it a bit late, so still trying to decide what I want to do. I was hoping to take Olivia out on the town, but have decided to wait for the insurance confirmation before I venture too far into traffic. I really don't want to take any chances. Fortunately car#2 is ready and revving to go, so may still go out tonight. Where? With who? Still to be decided. We'll see.

'Cos I don't have to be up extra-early to feed & clothe the kid in time for school, I can lie abed a little longer tomorrow morning too - which means I also don't have to be home very early tonight... :-) But I think I've done most of my "jolling" in a previous lifetime, and won't go paint too much of the town red. Just a building or two perhaps.

With no picky eater, I get to munch what I want for the next few meals. In other words loads of veggies, things like asparagus and beetroot broccoli. I can also eat my dark chocolate in peace without a begger - well, other than dogs that is. But they're not getting into my stash, no matter how they beg.

First though, I have quite a stack of work to accomplish while the morning is still fresh. I certainly don't want to spend my off-time thinking of things I should be doing!