You know that feeling you get when you look at all the stuff you need to do, and it's really really a big pile - so big that you can't figure out where to start, so you don't start at all?
Yeah, that feeling. I've totally got it today.
It's not like I haven't done a lot of work. It's just that there a gigantic job waiting for me that's complicated and will take 100% brain power. And I'm not sure I have 50% brain power post-lunch! Between the heat and the food hitting the stomach, I really just want to flop down somewhere comfy and bugging-insect-free and doze. I'm all for the concept of siesta! Winter or summer.
So if you happen to see me today, kindly ignore the caught-in-headlights look on my face. And then give me kick in the right direction to just get going. Or I may end up putting this entire thing off permanently.
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