
The Cape Argus has a story on page 2 about a friend of mine today - who was shot at by police last night on his way home from work (sorry for the small image - will try get a bigger one with the full story later). It's one of many stories coming out recently involving those who are supposed to be keeping society safe and crime-free.

Understandably, the poor guy is very traumatized. It was his first day back at work after some health issues, and the attack has literally opened up old wounds again. He's struggling to sleep, and is feeling very fearful.

Yes, I know South Africa is crime-ridden, and that we have issues with our police force (not enough of them, work stress, underpaid... the list is endless). But something like this deeply concerns me. It's one thing to be a victim of crime - it's another to be a victim of the police.

Yet it seems to be a worldwide problem. Recent news reports have an 18 year old being shot for suspected theft of a PS3 in the USA. A groom gunned down (again by police) outside a club on his wedding day. Every day another story emerges.

Is there anything we ordinary folk can do though? It seems not... not when we're outgunned by the men in uniform...