Being a lekker hot summer day today, the kind where I usually forget to eat or simply eat the fruity type stuff, I decided I'd go "raw food & water" today. I wasn't all that hungry for breakfast, so fruit went down well - plums, litchis, a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice, organic white grapes. All good and well, and most delicious!
But that's the kind of thing that digest reallly fast.. and by late morning I was starting to feel very hungry. One apple later, and I realized that when you start telling yourself you're not going to eat something, you START CRAVING IT!!! In a BIG way. If you're going raw, you want cooked - nice cooked, healthy cooked, but cooked. I had visions of roast potatoes, brown rice and lentils, cottage cheese loaf (a vegetarian delight - I guess it goes by "Special K loaf" in the USA). And things in my fridge - camembert and green fig preserve! Even the stuff I wanted to drink doesn't quite qualify.
But I perservered. If one cannot keep to a single day of raw foods, what kind of willpower is that?
So it was a massive salad for lunch, which did - admittedly - fill me up reasonably well. (I convinced myself that green olives are raw, so threw a few in, and dressed it with definitely-raw olive oil, lemon juice and salt)
Mid-afternoon - carrots, whole, sweet, munched out the fridge.
But now it's supper time, and I'm kinda hungry. It's also gotten cold, so soup is sounding very tempting. But soup is cooked, so it's out. Heck, it's only ONE day! Let me stick with the programme!
So I'm filling up chammomile tea. Warm enough - and without sugar or milk it qualifies as almost-raw.
If I were ever to do raw-food on a lengthy basis, it would take some doing..! Instead, I'll go for the occasional cooked-free day, keep plugging in loads of water, and simply stick to a healthy, balanced vegetarian diet. It's what I know, though I'm still learning the best way to go about it (ie more good stuff, less slacking off and eating whatever's around).
Between now and then, here's to tea..!
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