The Quest for Pants

Having recently lost enough weight that my work clothes don't fit me - at all - anymore, I've had my eye open for a replacement pair of work pants every time I traipse past the shops. One that can tide me over for a month or two, 'cos I ain't done losing weight yet.

I don't know what it is with fashion and clothing shops lately, but no-one seems to stock a simple pair of tailored beige or black pants that:

* don't sit so far down your hips that most of your underwear sticks out
* don't have frayed edges as if they've forgotten to finish them off properly
* don't come with a million baggy pockets, pull-up-and-tie sides or strange fastenings at waist level
* aren't made for stick-straight teens with absolutely no womanly curves
* aren't 3/4 length (doesn't suit me at all)
* won't go out of style within mere days
* aren't made of some snarky artificial fabric
* don't cost the earth (see "tide me over for a month or two")

On the latter point, I found two perfect pairs (minus the need to take the bottom up a bit - apparently I should be shopping in the "petite" section! who knew...). One beautiful linen pair was on sale for R200, the other was HALF-PRICE for R395!!! Neither of which I'm prepared to pay for. However perfect they are. (I have similar issues with shoes - wanting good quality comfort, but not at the sacrifice of half my salary)

I'm starting to wonder if I should just revert completely to skirts - perhaps wrap-skirts that don't depend quite as much on your waist being exactly the same size as your hips....