Peeved - take 2

OK, so it's not only cars that can get you all peeved. And this is one I've found out how many times!!! But do I learn? Nah...

My boss kindly sent us home at around 3 this afternoon, so I took the opportunity to drop by the mall and get a head-start on some of the shopping I need to do this weekend. I need jeans, underwear, tops... just about everything! And that's no easy task.

An hour and a half later I came home with ONE T-SHIRT. Totally peeved.

It seems that I don't conform to any known body type. Looking in those awful top-lit changing room mirrors I can well believe it. I hate those things. Almost as much as I'm starting to hate straight-up-and-down chicks who seem to rule the clothes-horse scene. I can feel myself reverting to the "let me curl up and die 'cos I'm not perfect" mode, but am backpeddling for all I'm worth.

I found one pair of jeans. But there's no way I'm paying half a grand for them! I tried on various other things and came to the conclusion/s that:

a) I've got a ways to go on the body I want. Further than I like. Further than I'd hoped. I'm pretty discouraged. If I weren't so damn practical I'd probably become a temporary anorexic just to get a move-on.

b) I need to re-measure the boobs before I try on anything more. I haven't lost a cup size after all, but things have changed. And not all brands sizing is the same - very, very far from it.

c) I may need to walk around nude for a while, cos nothing's fitting everywhere - it's too loose in one area and too tight in another. Walking around nude will probably scare the neighbours.

d) I seriously hate clothes shopping.

e) I'm starting to like the dark more. Or at the very brightest, candle-light.

f) Completing my shopping list is going to take longer than I thought, more traipsing through crowded malls full of holiday-spirit wanderers, more effort, and a whole lot more cash than I'd like to be spending. See "c)".

And now I think I'm going to go sulk somewhere until at least 9. At which point I may be able to cheer up if I'm lucky.

And thus Thursday dies a slow and terrible death.

PS When it rains and a public holiday starts all on the same day, everyone else on the roads turns into idiots. The queue to get over the mountains started well before my turn-off! Very glad to be staying right here.