OK, after the minor clothes-related meltdown below, I've shaken it off and moved on. As I do tend to do, mostly.. :-)
In the process of shaking (like a wet dog - an appropriate analogy for tonight's rather damp weather), some of my dreams got all shook up and surfaced again.
I like sitting and just daydreaming sometimes. It does wonders for the soul. And I find it's in those quiet do-nothing moments that my brain starts firing off good stuff. It's then that the big decisions get made, that the issues get worked out, and direction found.
I've been doing too little of it lately. Too little just-sitting. I'm always busy, working, caring, cleaning, dashing here and there. Purposeful and driven to some or other goal.
And yet...
Dreams don't form nor come to fruition when you're too busy to notice them knocking ever so quietly, asking for a bit of your attention. Some of them may seem rather scary so you tend to ignore them. Others seem insignificant. But they're all there for a reason.
Tonight, just-sitting, I can see a whole pile of them starting to connect up. I think a little more just-sitting is in order! :-)
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