Last night on the way home I stopped in to order pizza from our favourite place down the road. And while I was waiting I dialled Virgin customer service to find out why my Vodacom number has STILL not been ported to the Virgn network - 4 days after they promised it would be. In the meantime the Vodacom number has completely died, and it's the number everyone has as my only contact while we wait for Telkom to install a home DSL/phone line (2 months?! I'm probably not as lucky as Aquila!). My work phone number only kicked in a day ago - I wasn't aware it had issues and only found out my extension/number when someone tried to phone me from another office and reported the problem (yes, I should have asked - but am still finding my feet), which then took another 3 days to sort out. So basically, without my Vodacom number working I'm stuffed.
Well, being a Friday, apparently the Virgin lines were all busy and I was placed in an information-overload queue, bombarded with useful facts about Virgin while waiting.
And thus the Pizza Timer was born. Which would happen first? Would my pizza be ready, or would I have a real live Virgin operator on the line and my problem solved?
It was a close call, I tell ya! The Virgin line made it by about 2 minutes. Which is kinda shocking considering a pizza takes 15 minutes to cook.
Did I get my problem solved? No. The helpful bloke on the other end was going to look into it and contact me personally today. Didn't happen. More than a day later and I'm still not ported. I phoned again this afternoon, and this time was at least given a case number and told "24 hours". We'll see.
As much as I like the whole Virgin experience, this part of it is SO not on...
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