
The trouble with reading LRO magazines is this - you suddenly start getting brain over-drive. All sorts of ideas, questions, what-if's, thoughts, all churning around in the grey matter soup until the 5-day headache you're still dealing with only gets worse!

I'm just getting started on sorting out Olivia, there's a good few pages of to-do's on my list, but it's very very easy to get carried away. Or so I'm learning. There are many things I have to do, more that I want to do, and a couple that would be awesome to do. Then there are the things I haven't even considered doing - and thus the LRO-reading comes into play.

They love to feature reader's Landys, ones that have been sorted out in ways that I haven't even heard of (not that that's too hard to accomplish, with my minimal knowledge). Add in an awesome resident expert (my go-to) with even more ideas and is it any wonder my head feels close to exploding?

Solution? Write everything down. Ask in little pieces. Think first, before asking. Chuck asking some things altogether. And read copiously just in case the answers are right there in front of you.

Then take a long break away from anything Landy and a few deep breaths so you can cease feeling overwhelmed.