I have just one request. Please can we start the week on a Friday sometime? Today has hit and hit hard. Just when you think nothing else can happen, something does (ever been on the phone to someone and they walk into a shoot-out?).
Fortunately I have less than an hour left at work. After which I get to brave traffic with my noisy wheel and timing-out rattling engine, head home to a kid who has probably reckoned he won't make lunch cos the slave will be home soon to do supper (and will start asking for it the minute I walk in), and then get to do it all again tomorrow.
Hopefully on a bit more sleep than I had last night - was a pretty rough one with much head-sorting and decision-making going on between the weird and scary dreams and the lying awake in the dark.
Days like this happen. Usually on a Monday. I guess it's just par for the course. Deep breath, and on with life's the only way to go.
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