Someone should install a special lightbulb in showers that glows when you get a great idea - and then use that to power the nation. A much more reliable source of energy than Eskom!
Funny how much inspiration can strike in a single shower-session. Last night, case in point. I've been pondering some ideas and plans for a while, but it's all been going around in circles. No direction to be found, simply treading water while I slowly bang my head on a wall with what seems insurmountable obstacles between me and where I want to be. Within 5 minutes of hot water pelting onto me, I'd not only sorted out that issue, but a couple more too! A few things have happened recently that have given me a renewed focus and determination to follow certain paths, and now I have a Plan. OK - there's still details to work out, and my lazy butt to get off (action required). But it's a start.
I may need to start taking showers on the hour every hour! Keep that flow going.
Now I just need to figure what to do about the other thing that hit me in the shower.. But more on that later, perhaps. We'll see (hell, I can't bare ALL now can I!? :-) ).
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