You can get all inspired and enthusiastic, clear the head, sort out the world's problems and still get back in time for lunch.
Or you can start to realize you know next to nothing about Landies, and are hardly worthy of owning one, fiddling with one, or driving one. Made even worse by walking to the shops and being overtaken by a gorgeous blonde in a stunning shorty Defender. These things happen.
On the other hand there's the sterner stuff, the determination to get it right - dammit - in spite of feeling like a lost fart in a perfume factory when it comes to fixing that 8-page list of things that need it. I'm kinda vascillating between the two today. Almost overwhelmed by the list, yet knowing I have to do this, and do it fast.
(and then one hears a vehicle going by that sounds considerably worse than either one of one's own... and feels a lot better.. :-) )
This weekend there are a few car things I have to get done. On both Ford and Landy. I've found a nearby supplier of Landy parts at a decent price, but anything requiring cash is going to have to wait for a week. Instead I'm focusing on the stuff I can do now, without having to have spares on hand or new tools or expert opinions. That, I think, I can manage.
I'll earn my way to Landy-owner worthiness, come hell, high water, or rivers of grease.
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