I'd rather be...

It's a stunner of a day. Autumn has gone on holiday briefly, leaving us with peak temperatures in the summer range, although it was still chilly and surface-damp this morning.

Not the kind of day one can lie abed, especially when there's a long to-do list waiting. Yes, traditionally this is my rest day, but there are many ways to rest, and mine is a "doing something different from the other days" working rest this time around.

I was up at around 7, before the sun had even peeked over the mountains. While the mood lasted I tackled a load of house tasks before breakfast. Gave the dogs some attention, aired some bedding, re-arranged a couple of things indside and out, and the rest of the day can now be spent outdoors enjoying the marvellous weather.

I will be getting my hands dirty a little on my Landy (I wasn't that attached to my long nails anyway...), but also taking a bit of time out later on to simply be still and let body and soul catch up to each other again.

This week I've somehow found a new enthusiasm for things that I'd let slide, that had been put on the back burners. I've got a plan, a timeline, an attitude that says "it's about time you got this one sorted". I've been doing some hard thinking too on what I'm willing to give up to achieve my goals (like sleep, perhaps), and how I can go about putting rather large dreams into motion. Although there are times I sit thinking "I'd rather be...", I'm starting to pour my energy and attention into each task I'm involved in, as I'm doing it, give things my full attention and do them properly - leaving me less frustrated and more productive in many ways.

Today I'm "lus vir die lewe" (ready to tackle life), energized and feeling more than a little driven to get stuff done. Which means it's time to publish this and get going. Before the day passes by.