The roads were a mess this morning - school has started for the second half of the year and idiot drivers reigned supreme.
I was happily trundling along in the slow lane doing 60-70km/hr (the speedo jumps, so I take an average), only to hear a squealing of brakes next to me as some nincompoop (hmmm. when last did I call someone that?) in a sports model doing about 140 slammed on brakes to conform to the speed of the rest of the traffic. He was closely followed by small zippy cars nipping in and out of the lanes of sedately-moving law-abiding citizens, way too close to the bumpers of others, causing some of them to hit the brakes and others to just get peeved.
And this was bright and early - well, not so bright, it's still pretty dark at 7 in the morning.
Do these blokes have a early-morning deathwish? A desire to start the day in the worst way possible? I'm sorry to say that I almost wish some of them would come acropper, just to teach them a lesson or two. Unfortunately that would probably involve innocent bystanders in the disaster, which wouldn't be a good thing.
I just have to wonder what is so terribly urgent that they have to speed. "Arrive Alive" even if you're late - or leave earlier if you're on a deadline. And if you're speeding for the joy of feeling your engine roar - go do it on a deserted road somewhere, not in rush-hour traffic.
So it's back to full roads and mini-jams (I'm lucky - no real stop/start traffic on my small commute) as school kicks in. Grumpy kid in the morning, forking over bus ticket cash to get him up the hill. At least we managed to cut his hair last night (enough to stuff a duvet with).
Sliding back into our routine.
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