Change of Scene

One thing I've always done in any job I've undertaken is to sort out my working environment to streamline how I accomplish stuff and make where I work comfortable enough to promote productivity. That usually takes the form of putting the desk in the right place, storage logically placed, screen glare vs windows considered etc.

Of course, that was when I still had my own office. Now it's not quite a cube farm, but there are designated areas per person - and they're pretty much set in stone.

Others may go the whole hog on customizing their cubes (shudder...). Me, I'm simply doing the minimalist thing at the moment. Not very personalized at all.

Lately I've been looking at my three allocated office-furniture units. A corner-type bit with a hole for cords that serves as actual desk, a unit with drawers, and another with sliding cuboard doors and shelves. Very modular, very generic for the space, and completely and utterly immobile. Even the aircon keeps everyone at the same temp - which means I'm usually frozen solid.

I hate working with my back to people. I've always preferred facing the oncoming masses. But here there's really no option to turn my space around, and it's actually affecting how well I work. Yet I'd probably be fired if I moved these three little bits of wood! :-) The cleaning lady certainly wouldn't like it, and I suspect half of the modular units on the other side of the little frosted-glass partition in front of me would collapse if I tried.

So I'm stuck with this layout.

The only thing that can change is the wallpaper on my second screen and the view out the window.
