
For many years I've had an "Eyecandy and Ideas" photos folder stashed away on my computer.  When I see something I like in the home / garden / lifestyle line, I save it there.

This morning, with a little time on my hands, I opened up that folder and started scrolling.

I've come to two conclusions:

1.  My taste has not changed over the years - the basics are still there, all natural neutral colours and tactile textures.

2.  Nearly every single photo has wood or stone or some other natural material in it, along with a healthy sprinkling of light and greenery.

(credit unknown on this image)

I guess I know where I should be headed this year as I rework our living space! :-)

Reworking both our living space and our quality of life is high-priority this year for me.  I've been doing a lot of thinking, plotting and scheming over the past month - my brain turning over many stones that have been of the stumbling variety in 2012, to see what I can make of them in 2013.  Some of them have bugs crawling under them that I've had to face down and squash - those niggling fears that I can't achieve what I want to, the way I want to, and in the timeframe I've set myself.

But now I'm building things out of the stones, and using inspiration from images I've gathered over the years to kick-start it.  I'm facing down 2013 with a lot of determination to get it right.  I've spent the past few years surviving as we got two businesses off the ground.  Finances have been extremely tight.  This year that changes, I'm determined to make it happen.

However, if you want change you need to know where you're headed - you have to have a definitive goal in mind or you'll never reach it.  And that's where this morning's exercise in inspiration applies.  Still seeking serenity, surrounding myself with an environment conducive to it, one that allows me to not get bogged down but to fly - that's where I'm headed this year.