Weekend snapshots

Images that stand out from this past weekend:

My son cooking his favourite (only) recipe for BBQ Masala Beans, all on his own, as a contribution to a delicious meal.

A yellow-billed kite soaring and swooping low over me. Finally identifying a pair of huge birds as Jackal Buzzards, after a year of guessing and running for the bird book every time they appeared.

My son taking himself off to church, willingly and happily, making his own spiritual choices and being open to learn.

Close-ups of newly-mown lawn from a comfy spot flat out in the sun, surrounded by a couple of "dog-warmers" taking advantage of something softer than grass to sit on.

Fresh hot coffee overlooking the entire spread of False Bay in springtime.

My "little friend" (a female shrike) flying to within a metre of me for a drink from the garden hose, unafraid.

A sense of joyful worship, lifting the roof in exaltant song at our church worship team presentation. Harshest critic and two others I invited in attendance, and enjoying it.

Pitching a tent that's been in the garage for years - bringing back memories of camps on the Zambezi river and encounters with a pack of hyenas...

Lemon pudding, hot out the oven - heaven! Fresh from-scratch-bread, hot out the oven - heaven again!

Peace, quiet and a 3-hour uninterrupted nap. More heaven.