I have just made my first few bucks from something I've been wanting to do for an age - grow, market and sell organic goods straight from my garden. Call me a mini-farmer's market if you will, but it's working! :)
Today I managed to get rid of all my guaranteed-organic-grown tomatoes, the ones that we're drowning in. Got an order for tomorrow too. Even took some to church last night for someone and ended up selling a few there (yeah, I'd be one of the sellers kicked out by Jesus if He came by, I'm sure...!).
I've got two lines of goods - "Virgin Earth Organic" and "Virgin Earth Products", labels and all developed. The former being homegrown, the latter being home-cooked/baked/made, but not necessarily organic as I'm not 100% sure where the things like sugar, yeast and flour appear from! BUT they are home-made with the best ingredients I can find.
I was finally "encouraged" into this by my bestest friend on Friday, who insists on buying whatever's in season in my garden, says the food I make is the best she's tasted etc etc etc. Me, well I just throw stuff together until it looks or tastes right, but that seems to work. She's trying to get me into vegetarian catering - perhaps I'll do that one day. One of my many job ideas in case I find myself without steady work!
I'm considering asking for a corner of an unused field near my place to expand a few winter goodies into. It's been lying dormant for years now, with no plans to plant or plough, so I may get the go-ahead. Seems we'll be around for at least another growing season....
For now it's going to be interesting to see who will buy what, and whether I can make a good profit. (Also known as "who is gullible/lazy enough not to know they can grow/make/do this themselves!") :)
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