Mother's Day

Herewith my obligatory thoughts on how Mother's Day progressed in our household.

My son's class did a "mom card" project, to be handed out on Sunday morning, but he couldn't wait. I got it Friday night. A beautiful hand-made "roses are red, violets are blue" card, with plenty of kisses. What a kid!

And then he actually made me breakfast in bed on Saturday while I was feeding the neighbour's birds for them. This from a child who refuses to make his own breakfast on the weekends - and whom I end up serving in bed.... Yeah I know, who actually RUNS the house? :) He almost got the coffee right, and did well in the bread-cutting/spreading line too.

Sunday however, was truly what Mother's Day is all about. I got to spend it working around the house while he disappeared to friends. :) Granted, it was stuff I had to do, and a bit of stuff I enjoyed (like spraypainting a "throne" garden chair gold, and hand-making lasagne from scratch). My neighbours very kindly bought a bath-goodies gift set and bottle of sparkling apple, to be given to me by my son - but as he was missing "in action" it came direct.

I tried to reach my mom, but found my phone on the new system has not been granted international access - and then realized she was out of town. Managed to SMS (text message) her instead.

That was the sum total of mother's day. Perhaps more realistic than the hearts, flowers, chocolate and cards version commonly portrayed. It was a true day of being a mom, caring for my house and child, taking time out to chat to family and friends, and carrying on my normal every day mom-life.

It was good.