
Today I found myself wondering how it could be flooding in the Far East - and yet here in Southern Africa we're experiencing a terrible drought.
How 3 neighbours can afford to glide by in huge, shiny, expensive cars, while I wait for a medical refund to afford to keep my car just running.
How some farmers in Australia are making it big, and others are committing suicide because they are never going to make it as the dairy industry slowly implodes.
How a full-time employed person can find every excuse not to work (and be paid for their time doing it), while the guy on the street corner pleads with his whole heart for any paying work.
How when you try to lose weight you gain it, and when you're not even trying you lose it.
How it took months, years on foot to explore and find a lake 100 years ago, and now every inch of the world is mapped by satellite (nowhere to hide).
How millions are dying for want of food, and yet just down the road there's a drive to supply soldiers with airconditioners.
How rare a real handwritten letter is (has it been years since I received one?), and how prolific spam emails are.
How the heart can love and hate in the same beat.  How it was created with the freedom to choose to do so.
How a jewel-like sunbird singing full-strength can move one passerby to tears, yet leave another cold.
How quiet is relative - in the silence of my office there is still an electronic hum I would not be able to sleep through. 
How views of God and what He wants from / for us can differ so widely from one person to the next.  And yet He loves us both equally.