South African Good Luck Charm

Something strange is going on...

South Africa is currently playing England in a cricket test series. With the previous test games (5 day games, for those of you who are cricket-clueless - and if you are, the rest of this post will make no sense to you!), every time I'd check the online scoreboard or watch the game on TV, South Africa would either get an English wicket or hit 4 runs, depending on whether they were bowling or batting.

Yesterday, South Africa slogged through the entire day, only taking 2 wickets while England scored 262 runs - until I got home and switched on the TV (didn't have time to check the score online). Within seconds, they'd gotten a wicket! I then went outside briefly, and just as I came back into the room they got another!

I'm completely convinced that I'm South Africa's good luck charm. I think I'd better watch the rest of the match to ensure us a win... :)