Wage Negotiations, South African Style

I was going to go on a philosophical rant this morning regarding the strike action by Pick 'n Pay (local supermarket chain) and SAA (South African Airways) employees, after a run-in with the former on Friday while attempting to get enough food to keep body and soul together over the weekend.

But others have done a better job of it. Noteably Sweet Violet and Husbands Anon.

Today is (supposed to be, but rumoured that it won't happen) pay-day - the day each month when I take my afternoon off and go stock up on non-perishable groceries for the month. We're running low on everything thanks to not being able to get into Pick 'n Pay on Friday, nor going anywhere near the shops for the remainder of the weekend. But apparently the strike action continues today. Our local version is a locked-in sit-in of chanting and intimidatingly staring employees. Other (more expensive, ie Woolworths) supermarkets are glad of the overflow customers. But I want my Pick 'n Pay products! :)

Between the lack of pay and the closure of shops, it seems some adventuring into unknown supermarkets and using of the credit card limit will have to take place today...