It's been one of those Days...! I landed running - but with a bout of constant sneezing and sniffling that could only be hayfever... or could it? Around 10 I had to dash off with a carload of Italians, a family who arrived here yesterday and needed to do a good few things in order to settle in. Ever one to help out where I could, I played taxi to the bank, the bed-selling place, the mall - and tourist to where to get this and that. (Realized I need to book the car in for a service - it's not sounding/feeling too great and I have international visitors arriving within weeks)
Lunch fell by the wayside as a result, and I went straight back to work once we were done, it being mid-afternoon and all. Again, landed running - and still hayfeverish. Messages on the phone, the screen, the desk, under my door... A number of fires to stamp out. Such are some working days.
But now the day is ended. With a lack of lunch, it wouldn't be wise to attempt a long fast walk this evening on an empty stomach. So am taking a day's break. I'm still sneezing, but it's starting to sound/feel more like the beginnings of a cold/flu than hayfever - another reason for a day off exercise. I'm not surprised - it's been a while since I wore down and needed a recovery space. Yet I can't really afford to be off sick - and home is no longer a quiet resting area thanks to school holidays! :-)
I'm also not going to be taking any leave in December. At all. We close between Xmas and New Year (I'm back at work on the 2nd), and are likely to have half-days for the week after the 16th, but that's it. I'm transferring what I would have had over to next year and soldiering on through my office's busy time while everyone else hits the beach, the mall, the pool.
Talking of malls... while helping out our Italians today, we had to make a turn by the shops. It was PACKED, mostly with our upcountry brethren, who are conspicuous in their sunburns, shorts and slops (sandals) - plus the inevitable language thing.. :-) I start to avoid shopping from around now every year, and only venture back once they all go home again. Unfortunately I've done NO Xmas shopping - except buying wood for toys for the nephew/s. I'm going to have to brave it sooner or later - preferably sooner. Within a few weeks it's going to be a madhouse there!
In the meantime though, I've got an extended evening at home without my usual hour and a half walk. I'm going to get a decent meal made, the dishes finally finished (they've been languishing due to lack of interest) and see if this hayfever thing clears up or not.
This is one day I'm glad to be done with!
This is definitely more than hayfever. I'm feeling progressively worse and worse, circling the drain ever faster, feeling like I just need to crawl into bed and sleep.... Not good!
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