
As I mentioned, I signed our lease agreement at lunchtime, and we're good to go. HOWEVER - we're not really that good to go. I've packed a few boxes, and the rest are standing around waiting to be filled, with cupboards still as they were, garage still half-sorted etc etc etc....

I really should get to it, hey! 'cept I come home tired after work and then feel like doing other things instead of pack. It's not like it's a huge distance away - a couple trips with the car will sort whatever hasn't gone in the truck. If I can rope in the rellies to help, we should be done very quickly! Dad's here from Australia as of this weekend (blow up the mattresses...), so he can help too. See - not too bad. I'll get it all done - eventually.

As for unpacking on the other end, well I'm probably going to be on my own over Easter weekend. The rest of the family's going away - but being in a new area I don't have dogsitters, and am going to instead use the time to be home on my own a little, sort out all the house goodies, get settled and take a bit of time out. Will send the son off with his uncles, aunts, cousins and gramps, leaving me to do what needs doing.

Unless, of course, I procrastinate.. :-)