
Just been thinking this morning that I'm actually looking forward to the challenge of home-schooling next year. That it could work out really cool and fun and just what is needed for the kid.

OK, it's going to be a bit of a battle to find our "groove" and get things going without him degenerating into a hermit geek, but there are so many possibilities and options open when one doesn't have to catch a school bus in the morning, sit for most of the day in a school building and then still struggle through homework at night. Add in the stuff like being able to travel during school terms (cheap tickets, empty destinations...), no need to canvass the shops for uniforms or stationery, no letting others fill your kid's head with stuff you don't necessarily agree with, and it's looking very good indeed. There are a whole lot of positives to this one, the more I think about it.

And it completely ties in with the executive decision I took yesterday - which saw a bit of effort last night, but not enough (I worked till late at night putting in Olivia's floor). Everything feels like it's slotting into place - although there is still SO MUCH to sort out, accomplish and organize. Still, we're getting there - and it's with a sense of anticipation of some very good things that I'm rounding off this year.